
Posts Tagged ‘Technology’

Carbon Nanotubes to the Rescue!

December 28, 2011 1 comment

Carbon nanotubes are a relatively new development in the field of nanotechnology. These amazing little cylinders open up a new world of material science and electronics! Here are some of the various uses for this technology could open up to us!

Smaller, faster electronics

We all know that electronics and their components are getting smaller. On top of that we require them to be faster and more efficient as well. Right now, copper and other metals can carry a decent amount of energy to get the job done. However, they can only transfer so much. Carbon nanotubes are capable of transferring up to 1000 times more current at a much faster rate than traditional metal components. Carbon nanotubes can also be produced much more cheaply. This will greatly benefit the electronics industry.

Stronger, more resilient materials

Carbon is a very abundant element on Earth. Much more abundant than iron or titanium. However, its not the strongest or most durable of materials. Or so we thought. The nanostructure of carbon nanotubes allow a thread of them to be much stronger and more flexible than even the strongest of metallic alloys. This will allow better bullet proof materials for law enforcement and military. This will also lead to more durable products.

Space elevator!

Yep, you read right! A space elevator can be made because of carbon nanotubes! The basic premise of a space elevator is to make an elevator to a space station that is synchronized with the rotation of the Earth. The problem is, as addressed in the last point, metal cables aren’t an option due to them being not very flexible. A cable constructed of carbon nanotubes, however, could stand the strains and tension associated with being several thousand feet long and pulled taut.



Quantum CPU Created

September 3, 2011 Leave a comment

A quantum version of a CPU has been successfully created

Scientists in California claim to have successfully created a quantum version of the traditional Von Neumann technology. That means they have created a quantum CPU with quantum RAM. Quantum CPU’s compute using quibits, which can be in three positions: 1, 0, and 1 and 0. That way quantum computers can process information much faster than conventional computers. However, it is difficult to accomplish this. They had to chill the quCPU to near absolute zero to perform several calculations. So we can’t expect these computers in your room any time soon. However, like the computers of old that filled an entire room, quantum computers will hopefully become readily accessible in the next century.


Awesome DIY Fridge

July 26, 2011 1 comment

This video shows a really cool hack where one can chill a beer when its hot outside with no electricity! Like the person in this video said, “It makes you wonder why you don’t see this more often.”